Environmental reporting from oil and gas activities


A national database for environmental reporting from oil and gas activities on the NCS, enabling the industry to comply with regulatory requirements.

The service provides a software tool that complies with the authorities’ reporting requirements. It has a standardised reporting format and a QA function.

The implemented work processes ensure increased efficiency and better quality for analysing release trends and evaluating the effects on the environment.

044 – Offshore Norge’s recommended guidelines for discharge and emission reporting

✓  Decommissioning
✓  Development
✓  Exploration
✓  Operations


Provides information about how to report environmental data from oil and gas activities to governmental agencies

Complies with the authorities’ reporting requirements.

Standardised reporting format.

QA function makes the reporting process more efficient.


Who can access data in Footprint?

NCS operators and governmental agencies. Field specific data is owned by the operators. Permission of gaining access to field specific data is solely within the operator’s domain. 


Contact information


Anne-Lise Søyland, Manager regulations and operational management
+47 916 94 887 / anne-lise.soyland@offshorenorge.no


Monday – Friday (08:00 – 16:00)
+47 51 95 00 00 / support@n-ems.com

Software provider: NEMS